
Guidance on Foundation policies.

Comments, complaints and concerns

If you have a comment, concern or complaint about the Foundation, for example about the way in which a decision about funding a proposal has been made, in the first instance please contact the chair of the Board of Trustees. The chair will first check whether s/he is in an appropriate position to adjudicate, and if not (for example, if s/he has a conflict of interest relating to the institution, or was involved in the original decision), will delegate to another Board member to adjudicate. The adjudicating individual will then examine the comment, concern or complaint, and request any further information from you. S/he will then review the decision-making process for fairness and compliance with the processes set out. The Foundation will endeavour to provide a response to your comment within 28 days of receipt.

Appointment of new trustees

The Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness is a scholarly body, whose  objectives relate to the advancement of social scientific research, education and scholarship in the field of the sociology of health and illness. As such, its  trustees are composed of academics in higher education institutions who work in this field, usually in senior-level (professorial or equivalent) positions. Because these are experienced academics who have been recruited and promoted on the basis of knowledge, experience and achievement in research, teaching and leadership in the Foundation’s field, the Foundation does not operate a specific vetting policy prior to appointing new trustees. However, it does require them to declare any potential conflicts of interest for review prior to appointment, and then on an annual basis. For particular areas of good governance, such as legal and financial issues, the Foundation engages the support of external professional service organisations.