March 25, 2019

Changes to the Mildred Blaxter fellowship scheme from 2020

We are pleased to announce that due to the continuing financial health of the Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness, we are making some modifications to the Mildred Blaxter postdoctoral fellowship scheme, which will result in an increase in the number of fellowships awarded each year. With effect from 2020, we will be moving to a single application round each year that will provide offer up to three one-year postdoctoral fellowships (instead of the current system of two application rounds per year, offering one fellowship each). Eligibility for the fellowships will be modified, to allow candidates with up to two years’ experience following the award of the PhD (pro rata for those with part-time experience, and with further allowance in exceptional circumstances, e.g. parental leave or extended sick leave). The deadline will occur in the spring; the exact deadline date will be announced in due course.

Applications rounds for the 2019 calendar year are unaffected, and eligibility for the fellowships will remain unchanged in 2019.